Italian food Specialities from the Italian Companies
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Foodly: Itlian Food Specialities is a thematic portal dedicated to Italian food, to restaurant sector and catering industry
The aim of the portal is to provide users a wide range of products and companies in the food sector, to give information about the current laws concerning food security, and to give a collection of recipes and tips for good health and proper nutrition.
Foodly is an advertising portal that offers companies in the food sector, confectionery, and catering sector a space to showcase products and promote business on the web.
Alongside the merchandise exhibition, the portal aims to provide a range of information relating to the major exhibiting fairs of the Italian agri-food sector.
Want to be updated on the latest news of the industry?
Food Security - the section of the website of the Ministry of Health
FAO - World Food and Agriculture
The fairs in the sector of food, restaurant and catering, beverage, pastry, confectionery industry are:
RHEX-The new hall of Catering and Hospitality and the exhibiting companies at RHEX
Cibus - International Food Exhibition and the exhibiting companies at Cibus
Tuttofood - Milano World Food Exhibition and the exhibiting companies at Tuttofood
Sigep - International Exhibition of Artisan Gelato, Pastry and Bakery
Simei - International Exhibition of Machinery for Enology and Bottling